

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the team of iOmics for the invaluable genetic counseling I received last year. The insights gained during the sessions have profoundly enhanced my understanding of my body and my health. Having a family history of health issues, particularly with my parents, I now feel more prepared for the future. The knowledge I've acquired has empowered me to make informed decisions regarding my health. I also appreciate the follow-up regarding my current situation with eczema. iOmics’s support has been instrumental in helping me navigate this issue, providing me with the resources and information I need for better management. Thank you once again for your commitment to improving the lives of individuals through your exceptional services. 親愛的iOmics團隊: 我衷心感謝您們去年為我提供的基因諮詢服務。在諮詢期間所獲得的見解,大大加深了我對自己身體和健康的理解。 由於我的父母都有一些健康問題,這個家族病史一直讓我擔憂。現在,我感到更有信心面對未來。這些知識讓我能夠為自己的健康作出更明智的決定。 我也特別感謝你們對我目前濕疹狀況的後續跟進。您們團隊的支持對我管理這個問題提供了很大的幫助,為我提供了所需的資源和信息。 再次感謝你們通過卓越的服務,致力改善每個人的生活質素。